
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chuckie Lives!

So just in case you've been wondering if you should be open minded enough to consider someone other than Ike Leggett or Steve Silverman for County Exec, we've read Chuck Floyd's blog so you don't have to. With gems like "Instead CASA and others, with the full support of Mr. Silverman and the County Council, have turned Montgomery County into a safe haven for drug dealers and criminals, and have further established Montgomery County as a Mecca for illegal immigrantion" and headlines like "Montgomery County - Gang Enabler" you need wonder no longer. While he might get your attention by encouraging civic activism and attacking the County for being in developers' pockets, Floyd's demonization of immigrants and vitriol will soon remind you why you'll vote Democratic.