
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men

That’s the title of the LaRouche pamphlet that's being handed out at the subway stop just outside the House Office Buildings that features VP Cheney on the red and black front page. Wow! Lyndon, tell us what you really feel.

Okay so, maybe his acolytes are haters, but at least they get to say it straight. While its not worth your time to actually read that trash, the hyperbole and incendiary language can be fun. Tom DeLay is described as “a freak salvaged from Washington, D.C.’s political equivalent of “Skid Row”; he is a case of a “zombie-like” synthetic personality taken over by something like the psychopathological equivalent of “the body-snatchers from outer space!”