
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Unofficial Obama Video

A new video by an Obama supporter is brilliant. After viewing it I couldn't decide if she’s promoting herself or her product (those t-shirts) and using what she rightly imagines will be hits she’ll get from his supporters, or if she’s a supporter who’s using her image to make being an Obama fan seem cool. If you look at her site, it's hard to decide because she's selling the song and t-shirts, but she also seems to be really promoting the candidate.

Things are getting interesting in public involvement in campaigns. It's amazing what we'll come up with when we get a chance to use our creativity and initiative, rather than just responding to the latest email "action alert" or other cookie cutter request from a candidate or organization.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bartlett Declares

National Journal's House Race Hotline reports that annoying conservative Roscoe Bartlett will run for another term. Challenges from Andrew Duck (D) and a Republican ex-Mayor are expected to the outlier in the Maryland congressional delegation.

No "Vacancy"
"In an attempt to lay retirement rumors to rest," Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R) filed papers last week to seek a 9th term. "A vacancy ... would probably set off a huge scramble" on the GOP side, with Bartlett's son, state Del. Joseph Bartlett (R) "among those in contention." But the elder Bartlett "probably can hold the seat for as long as he wants it." He will have "at least one" GOP primary challenger in ex-Cumberland Mayor Frank Nethken, and '06 nominee/Iraq war vet. Andrew Duck (D) "is expected to try again" in '08 (Kurtz, Roll Call, 6/5).