
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


So, like many of you I get email from far too many sources. While this means I get a lot of information, but I may have a tendency to write from what is in my inbox.

That said, I'm not a fool. The Democrats' recent press releases just don't do it for me. While they are undoubtedly right about Bob Ehrlich's shenanigans that put workers at risk, who can really swallow lines like “Working families need a champion, not a tool of big business” coming from Terry Lierman? I mean, come on! He may be a good party chair because he can raise money and may even be good at politics, but his career is hardly one long struggle for social justice.

On the upside, I did get a smile out of it.