
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Monday, January 12, 2004

General Assembly to Convene

The General Assembly opens this week, with the budget and slots at the top of the agenda, and starting with potential overrides of the governor's vetos on several bills from last year.

Rep. Al Wynn joined the slots debate as he gathered together a group of PG County lawmakers to make a case for building a casino. An article in the Baltimore Sun article goes into more depth about the agenda for the new session, particularly regarding slots, and shares this insight:

“As lawmakers ready for a return to Annapolis this week, eyes remain fixed on House Speaker Michael E. Busch, the leading critic of slots, who some believe might be surreptitiously scuttling Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s top priority by allowing competing forces to gnaw it to death.”

Although the Sun indicates that issues like abortion do not even make Marylanders’ priority lists that include education and the budget, the Washington Times reports that a group of anti-abortion lawmakers led by Sen. Janet Greenip (R-Anne Arundel) will make an effort to place restrictions on a woman’s right to choose.

An inside scoop on what happens in Annapolis, brought to you by the insiders who know it best is now available online via the journals of Del. Sandy Rosenberg (D-Baltimore ) and by Del. Richard B. Weldon, Jr. (R-Frederick). You may not agree with them, but they can be good sources of info. Thanks to a reader of this space for mentioning these. Keep them coming!