
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

A child learns he has to "cep my mouf shut"

You know that a candidate in a safe district has a real chance of going under when s/he has, in addition to credible primary challengers, weak fundraising, and repeated bad articles from the only daily in the district, two challengers from the other party. Rep. Karen McCarthy of Kansas City (D-MO) is one such incumbent, as articles in the Kansas City Star and The Hill illustrate.

In other news today, I was alarmed to see that a 7 year-old in Louisiana learned that he had to keep quiet to classmates about the fact that he has two mothers. On D1 of today's New York Times there is an interesting article about chocolate. And, of course, National Journal's CongressDailyPM reminds me that I have not mentioned the many recent articles on potential Administration steps toward weakening clean air standards.

I don’t read the Economist on a regular basis anymore because, despite the good information and depth it presents particularly on issues that other publications sometimes miss, it has a clear bias in articles as well as op-ed pieces. That said, was worth some of my time today : This week's law-making may have helped George Bush win next year's election——providing voters don't do the sums