
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Did I Miss Something?

I'm kind of surprised that not many have commented on the Post's endorsement of Ike Leggett (in addition to the Gazette's) for Montgomery County Executive over the weekend. Does this not surprise anyone else? I mean, Silverman's been running a paid operation with several staffers and all of the trimmings that big developer dollars can buy since sometime the middle of the last year, while Leggett's been running a shoe-string operation without big guns or noticeable structure.

For County Executive, Ike Leggett

Something big is happening and with most residents noting that things have been getting worse, not better over the past four years, finally incumbent candidates who haven't gotten the job done on the most important issues of growth, transportation, and education are feeling the heat. One can't help but wonder if we're on the cusp of a change in the county...

I love the attempts by Donna Edwards camp to use the Lieberman/Lamont upset to get Prince Georges and Montgomery residents to change sides with quotes like: "Albert Wynn is Maryland's Joe Lieberman."

Did you know that George Bush Sr. won MD in 1988?

Read today’s Post piece on Mfume/Cardin -- I think it'll give you a clear picture of the different priorities and styles of the two candidates. Unless you imagine that there is some chance that Lichtman, Rales, etc. have a shot, it should help you know which way you’re going to vote. For me it's not much of a contest if it's between Mfume and Cardin -- Mfume has both the brain and the heart to get something done. Cardin's only got the brain and isn't progressive.