
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Maryland Friday

Earlier this week MD Governor Bob Ehrlich said that it was none of his business whether a golf club he had a party at discriminated against African Americans (thanks to the Center for American Progress for reminding me about this).

Locally rumors abound that Mark Woodard, a former supporter of ousted Del. Dana Dembrow, was considering getting into a legislative race. No word yet about whether he is considering taking on veteran Sen. Ida Ruben, or current Delegates led by Sheila Hixson.

Skipping right over the Gazette's attempt to play up national Republican support for a senatorial bid by LtG Steele, the big news of the week was how developers built in violation of height limits in Clarksburg.