
An online journal of politics, policy, and society with a special focus on Maryland -- Contact: on_background at yahoo.com.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Rapid Disassembly

Check out the sweet euphemism offered up by Kyocera: "rapid disassembly" as a pleasant substitute for explosion.

Mistakes were made even provides examples of how to use this phrase in headlines:

At Least One Iraqi Child Is Killed in a Rapid Disassembly in a Schoolyard

Moscow Blames 'Terrorists' for Feb. 6 Metro Rapid Disassembly

And, as is often the case, Wonkette.com has a funny about the Kerry-intern non-scandal:

Associated Press reports:

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, [No handbag line, no name. We don't want CJR to get mad at us.] issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, "I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false."

Ew. Don't you feel dirty? Used?

Wouldn't you like to do it again?